Worship at FELC

All Are WElcome at christ’s table

Worship Services:

Sunday | 9:30AM In-person. Join us for fellowship following church!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/felcyork, or

YouTube Live https://www.youtube.com/@firstevangelicallutheranch5343/streams

We also have Lenten Services, Easter Services, & a Christmas Eve Service.

At any time you can go to our YouTube channel to find the recordings of our worship service.  You should also be able to find the recordings on Facebook as well.  
You can go to YouTube to find our channel at any time.  In order to find the recordings, you have to go to the "Live" tab.  You can then choose to watch and re-watch any recording. 

At worship:

We invite you to discover God’s presence with us through the ancient rhythm of worship as we gather together, hear the living word of God, share the feast of Holy Communion, and are sent in blessing out into the world. Holy Communion is celebrated each time we gather. We believe that we truly meet Jesus in the bread and wine. Jesus is the host and we are the guest so we believe all are welcome at Christ’s table. Come as you are.

Children in worship:

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs…” Mark 10:14

Children experience God’s presence through worship too, so of course, they join the community in our “liturgy”—the “work of the people.” Children learn by watching, being cared for, & welcomed by those with more experience in worship. If needed, however, there is a  “children’s room” at the back of the sanctuary; ask an usher for directions if you have trouble finding it.


You will see a range from casual to business attire. Come as yourself, come as you are.

Month Ministries